Board of visutors fired

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Board of visutors fired

Post by rbmarmy »

Trump just fired the Board of Visitors claiming they are too woke....and at other academies as well.Supe to follow????
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Re: Board of visutors fired

Post by kfan12 »

Interesting....wonder how that gets to the eyes of POTUS...
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Re: Board of visutors fired

Post by rbmarmy »

Well 2 years ago the cadets were wearing pink t-shirts for diversity or sexual awareness day. WHEN I ASKED ABOUT TAKING IT OFF HE RESPONDED THOSE WERE HIS orders PLEASE UNDERSTAND. You could tell then
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Re: Board of visutors fired

Post by ARMORMAN »

WAAAAAAAY overdue! Thank you POTUS!!

Trump and Hegseth are bringing back a warrior ethos to the military, and a huge part of that are the academies. West Point, formerly the Sparta of America, was once appropriately a School for Soldiers (to borrow a book title). We graduated primarily combat arms officers to lead our soldiers in battle. Our curriculum, training, and entire experience was about preparing for that role. We relished it. Honored it. Treasured it.

However, in recent decades we've transformed from Sparta to more like Athens, a fancy place for dilettantes and debutants. We're all about DEI and virtue signaling. We worry about pronouns and feelings. We focus on the "right number" of each ethnicity and gender we have in our corps and our faculty, to the sacrifice of merit. The curriculum is replete with wokeness. It's been fairly disgusting for many of us....

So press on Donald and Pete!
You go POTUS and SECDEF!
Get us back to merit and warfighting!
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Re: Board of visutors fired

Post by rbmarmy »

I thought I was radical right, thanks for you support, I am not a grad, But even more, My canncelled checks can affirm. thdzdguys are going to make a difference, I am applying for position.
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Re: Board of visutors fired

Post by dochinger28 »

I’m sure not a grad, but I believe the primary mission of this academy should be training leaders of our greatest asset- our young people in uniform!
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Re: Board of visutors fired

Post by ARMORMAN »

You are correct Grasshopper; we train soldier-leaders; however, the PRIMARY of primary missions is to train COMBAT leaders. In the wake of political correctness and wokeness and DEI and LBGTQRSTUV, etc, it became unfashionable to reiterate - let alone focus on - that sacred and most important of all reasons for our existence.

You can get competent administrators for combat support units from most ROTC classes; however, we should exist primarily to supply WARFIGHTERS. That's why (or should be why) America invests $250K per cadet....

"I have a secret and dangerous mission"......

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Re: Board of visutors fired

Post by gabn92 »

What does the Board of Visitors do? I’ve heard of them but never paid any attention…thinking they were just deep-pocket folks the Supe could court for donations.

Apparently, there’s more to their role? Are they paid? Do they have some kind of authority, governance or oversight role?

I like the symbolism behind the firing…clear message of getting a fresh start, resetting…but trying to understand if this is only a message or if the BOV actually does anything and this has deeper impact potential?
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Re: Board of visutors fired

Post by ARMORMAN »

Good question. Here's the answer:

"The mission of the Board of Visitors at the United States Military Academy (USMA) is to provide independent advice and recommendations to the President of the United States on matters related to the academy's morale, discipline, curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, academic methods, and any other relevant issues, essentially acting as an oversight body to ensure the highest quality of education and leadership development at West Point."

Or, said more succinctly, they're allowed to give their own damned opinions on anything or everything. And all too often, those opinions of late have fallen into the hard left category. Firing 'em and starting fresh is a helluva good thing.

'nuff said.
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Re: Board of visutors fired

Post by gabn92 »

Thanks Armorman. No sense to keep advisors around who aren’t aligned with the direction the Academy needs to go!
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