Solid win tonight

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Solid win tonight

Post by PrideandDream »

That's a good win we got tonight against a good program and what we needed.

No penalties
No turnovers
6 for 6 on 4th down (Aggressiveness)
No special teams breakdowns
Dominated Time of Possession
A little more creativity with the halfback pass.
We caught a few breaks with some big catches
Defense played pretty well but still need to limit big plays. The score right before half can't happen.

I like our lack of mistakes, our toughness, and Monken finding a set of balls and going for it 6 times on 4th down. I didn't like 3 FGs as we need drives to continue and convert. I also don't love going 8 of 18 in the passing game. We need a higher percentage of completions if we are gonna throw.

My biggest take away though is this, the O line played one of the best games I've seen them play in several years. We were moving people and staying on blocks and accounting for guys and getting a hat on a hat as they say. I noticed we started Hoyt at left tackle which I believe is the 3rd starter in 3 games at the spot and rightfully so. I like that we keep trying to find guys that want to play on the o line. Week 1 our LT was not good. I'll leave it at that.

And how about Bryson Daily? Man was he tough tonight and really grew up. Great to see him coming along!

Still some tough games but vastly better than the $hit $how we watched agains ULM.

Beat Syracuse!!

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Re: Solid win tonight

Post by BEATNAVY09 »

This was a great game. If the defense could eliminate the big plays, this would not have been as close. Offense was unstoppable. Nearly a perfect game by them. Daley is in command and made some really nice throws that other qbs under Monken would not have been able to make. This has got to be a confidence booster to the team and hopefully they carry the momentum into next week. Beat ‘em.
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Re: Solid win tonight

Post by Dude69 »

Much improved. Credit where credit is due. Good job Army football. And now a visit from Captain Obvious: the defense needs to stop allowing multiple big scoring plays.
Nice job men.
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Re: Solid win tonight

Post by wpgrad »

I was very impressed with the different play calls. If this is our offense, sign me up

Legit win over a very athletic team. This is the type of team in the cusa/berry years that would have run all over us

UTSA not having their 7th year QB obviously hurt, but he doesnt play defense and our offense looked great

And now we gotta play cuse. Bc. Lsu. Ugh
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Re: Solid win tonight

Post by Dude69 »

Just read game thread posts. I am late to the posting. Made previous post before I read game thread. I will take comfort in knowing at least my observations are consistent with everyone else. For what that is worth. Go Army Beat Navy!!!!
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Re: Solid win tonight

Post by ARMORMAN »

Nice summary P&D. My feelings prezackly.

Other tidbits:
I really liked Jeff Monken's game demeanor. Man, he was WIRED and INVOLVED and EVERYWHERE during the game. (Didn't seem so vs ULM...) LOVED his gutsy go-for-it calls on 4th down over and over and over; again, unlike ULM. Same-same for the position coaches on the sidelines; no deer-in-the-headlights; they were involved and they were intense. Speaking of gutsy, that was the UTSA coach on his on-side attempt after they scored; we were lucky they didn't convert with a very close penalty. We also bought a break with a non-pass interference call later in the game. It was a bad call that (finally) went our way. We usually get the short end of those sticks.

Great props to Thatcher too. HUGELY better play-calling. Kept 'em guessing. Went inside/outside/onna ground/ inna air. Answered a lot of questions about the gun-option. Clearly, we can still go short yardage when needed in addition to big-play potential. Buchanan still looked like a bulldozer, and Daily following him is a double slam. Daily is a beast. Almost as powerful as Bradshaw, but with an excellent arm. Great leader too. And man, did Reed make a statement or what? Kid can run for power and run for speed. He's our version of Roberts, imho.

Our goat-killer Maretski also had a perfect night: 3 for 3!! Punting and kickoffs also outstanding. Kicking game is rock solid!

Gotta take a small swipe at our man Nate though: We can't have these defensive lapses. 2 vs ULM, 3 last night. Passes and runs. Huge plays that kill momentum/morale. Again, missed assignments and bad reactions. To our credit, we came out of the half after that hail mary and stuffed 'em. That was good.

Anyway, not only has PLAY been better, but COACHING has been better.

So much for confident, no-doubt predictions of disaster over the next month... We're 2 and 1 with a realistic shot at everyone before we get to death valley.

Finally, watched the zoomies after our game. Hate to admit, but they're legit.

Revenge in the Domes! - Alamo and Orange (or JMA Wireless as they now call it)

Last edited by ARMORMAN on Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:00 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Solid win tonight

Post by WrekDivr »

It was great to see what this new offense could be. We were moving the ball despite incompletions on our first 4+ throws. That will get better as Daily gains experience and confidence.

As mentioned above, the big plays on defense killed us. 3 TDs over 40 yards and the 4th was about 20 yards. UTSA was able to run all over us, including their first drive where they fumbled. Perhaps we had to sell out on blitzes to have a chance to stop them. I hope NW gets it figured out quickly. A game where we score 37 points and have nearly 45 min TOP should not even be close.

Like others, I am now looking forward to the rest of the season.
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Re: Solid win tonight

Post by dillondobies »

Great to get the win. Daily's passes aren't sharp, but get the job done. Where has Marshall been?
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Re: Solid win tonight

Post by JKillerK »

Clock management before the half was lousy. On our last possession we started with two incompletes. If we had used a run play on first down the clock would easily have run out before they had a chance to run that pass play. They can also thank our DB's for the assist. One pushed him and the other pulled him into the end zone.
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