I like photo number 1 of those three. The ultimate power blaster, Darnell Wolfolk. I'm going to miss him playing for Army. A beautiful stiff arm on that Houston player.
My favorite photo is the one of Jorden Asberry after he scored a TD. His smile said it all about this season.
I like #1, because I love Darnell as a player, and as a wonderful young man.
If you had the overhead shot of Hopkins after he’d juked the last defender out of his socks on that77 yard run, that might have made the choice a little harder.
I'm partial to photo No. 1 also. I was snapping away praying I'd get a few decent photos. A lot of times you don't know what you have until you download them to the computer and start checking them out. The Armed Forces Bowl was well ran. Took care of the media, great venue and experience. The only thing I wish was that the trophy presentation would have had a bigger, higher platform so folks could see better.
There is another photo snapped just before #1. Just milliseconds before it lands, it shows the Army players gloved hand, with a big Army "A", right smack in front of the Houston players face. He will remember that gold "A for a long time. It was in the THR and I'm trying to locate it again.